Disc harrow BGR-4,2 «Solokha»
Disc harrow BGR-4,2 «Solokha» is applied for cultivation of soils of various mechanical composition with breakage and embedding of stubble remains. It is also applied for soil preparation to sow winter crops after harvesting cultivated crops without deep general soil cultivation. The harrow can be used in all climate zones of Ukraine.
This disc harrow consists of two sections: the front section is equipped with discs of “camomile” type, the rear section is equipped with solid discs, which allows the hallow to operate at the assigned depth with high quality despite soil hardness and stubble remains. It is possible due to a large load on a disc (130 kg per disc), and a combination of discs (the discs of “camomile” type undercut a soil layer more qualitatively and break stubble remains, the solid discs mix and crumb soil better), as a result «Solokha» shows high performance on fields with large stubble remains.
To ensure reliability and fast repair both disc sections are divided into three, each of them rests on two supports with bearing units. As a result the disc section is 4,2 m wide and rests on six bearing units with self-centering spherical roller bearings, that have several levels of dust and dirt protection.
The disc sections are assembled on square axes disabling scrolling of the discs and rolls (between discs and clamping rings).
The harrow is equipped with discs of 710 mm diameter, which allows to increase 30% their service life compared to discs of 650 mm diameter, which are used to equip hallows of other manufacturers.
The main advantage of this hallow is stable depth of cultivation. Disc hallows of other manufacturers featured depth of cultivation set by angle of section attack, but variations of soil humidity and quantity of plant remains on the field surface resulted in decrease of depth of cultivation, or its increase, violating the main agro technical requirement – cultivation depth. Disc hallow BGR-4,2 «Solokha» uses the same principle to set cultivation depth – by angle of section attack, but additionally it is limited on wheel suspension. Thus at a maximum angle of section attack the depth will not increase more than it is set on a wheel suspension, and dry soil or large quantity of plant remains will not decrease cultivation depth owing to significant load - 130 kg per disc (as an example BDT – 7 features 55 kg load per disc).
By request the hallow can be equipped with packing soil compactor, that additionally breaks large clods of dirt and decreases moisture evaporation from soil. It is made of plates and prevents clogging with plant remains and wet soil.
Compared to traditional plow cultivation technology, the hallow allows to half fuel consumption and double work speed.
Fuel economy alone will allow to cover the cost of a hallow after treating 1300 hectares, additionally excluding piles of plant remains, back ridges and open furrows as in tillage, the soil will be less compressed.
You will spend half the time to complete your job, because you don’t need to buy two tractors and two sets of tools.
Most important, keep in mind when buying a hallow, that you spend the same money you would pay for extra fuel tomorrow.
- Purpose of the unit Deep tillage
- Aggregate type semi-trailer
- Unitisation 150-200
- Coverage, m 4,2
- Productivity per hour, hectares 2,5-4,2
- Cultivation dept, cm 10-22
- Operating speed, km/h 6-10
- Approximate fuel consumption, liters per hectare 9,3-11,5
- Harrow weight, kg 4 250
- Payback due fuel economy, hectares 1 324
- Length in operating position, mm 8 080
- Width in operating position, mm 4 230
- Height in operating position, mm 1 160
- Length in transit position, mm 8 350
- Width in transit position, mm 4 230
- Height in transit position, mm 1 160
- Clearance, mm 380

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