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Spike tooth harrow BShN-7 «Solomiya»


Spike tooth harrow BShN-7 is a simple universal and reliable tool for soil processing, in comparison with other tools it is more advantageous due to great efficiency and quality of work.

Active harrow element is a knife-shaped tooth, which is fixed on the hinged frame, has a diamond shape. If to compare this shape with the cubic one, which has been used for more than 50 years, a diamond shape enables reducing a plowing resistance. In its turn, it results in extending the plow width and overall productivity as well as reducing the fuel costs and machine operating costs. The frames with the teeth have a flexible, ball-and-socket structure that is why they easily follow the terrain, and heavy load over each tooth make it perform its primary function which is breaking up the soil surface without hollowing it out. Besides, the hinged harrow structure allows coping with any possible plant debris. Even a straw swath, which can usually clog the hard disc harrows, will be ideally distributed over the soil surface after the first run of our machine as the total length of two sweeper harrows is 3,3 m. Even distribution of plant debris, which will contribute to the soil protection against water and wind erosion, is a key to better work of the machines such as cultivators and seeding machines continuing the tillage. It goes without saying that the future harvest depends on the qualitative seeding machine work.

There are two possible ways of setting a machine in active and passive regime in order to regulate the tooth impact on the soil and nutrient rich debris. The operational depth of soil processing is 3-6 cm which is very important in spring. You can start working in the field much earlier. Unlike a cultivator, a sweeper harrow is not so sensitive to wet ground as it is not prone to be clogged or stuck. On the contrary, a sweeper harrow can level the wet ground much better than imported cultivators having grinded the soil completely. Thanks to this fact a lot of our clients rejected to process the ground by the cultivators for particular croppers in spring, they just harrow the soil 1-2 times and then start planting.

The flexibility and mobility allow moving from one field to another. A tractor driver does not need any assistance in assembling and disassembling the machine, it takes just 5 minutes to convert a harrow into a vehicle and vice versa. All these factors stipulate the high productivity of the spike tooth harrow, if a plow width is 7m, a harrow can process 70 ha per day. If you perform necessary agro-technical operations in time, you will increase your harvest.






  • Purpose of the unit Сrop tending, destruction of soil crust
  • Aggregate type semi-trailer
  • Unitisation 80-120
  • Coverage, m 7
  • Productivity per hour, hectares 5,6-7
  • Cultivation dept, cm 4-10
  • Operating speed, km/h 8-10
  • Approximate fuel consumption, liters per hectare 5,1-5,5
  • Harrow weight, kg 2100±50
  • Length in operating position, mm 7560
  • Width in operating position, mm 7300
  • Height in operating position, mm 1050
  • Length in transit position, mm 4650
  • Width in transit position, mm 3000±50
  • Height in transit position, mm 3500
  • Clearance, mm 380
  • Number of working sections, pieces 8
Яна 18.03.2018, 15:10
Добрий день Олександр, так цей агрегат також підлягає під компенсацію.3
Олексанлр 18.03.2018, 15:02
хочу скористатись програмою підтримки фермерських господарств, відповідно до якої окрім загальних 25 % ще додається 15 %, що в підсумку складає 40 %
Олександр 18.03.2018, 15:00
А ця борона потрапляє під програму часткової компенсації вартості техніки?
Іван Федорович 16.03.2018, 17:24
Дивлячись на якість іншої продукції заводу борону варто купити.
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