Catalog of mechanism
Spare parts

Spare parts for ACHN-3 and ACHN-4,2 Khoma


 The company "Galezshchyna Mashzavod" provides a full range of spare parts for maintaining its agricultural machinery in working order.

The main list of spare parts for for ACHN-3 and ACHN-4,2 Khoma




The quantity in the unit of the unit for ACHN-3

The quantity in the unit of the unit for ACHN-4,2

Frame ACHN-4,2 ACHN-4, - 1
Frame ACHN-3 ACHN- 1 -
 Roll к ACHN-4,2 BGD- (L=2050 мм)   - 2
 Roll к ACHN-3 ACHN- (L = 2787 мм)  -
The wheel in the assembly   2
Paw in the assembly   11

In addition, the company can provide a full set of consumables: gaskets, o-rings, hardware and others.

We know how important it is to have reliable equipment in the field season.
We care about our customers. You do not have to puzzle over how to maintain the efficiency of their assistants. All the equipment "Galezshchyna Mashzavod" is repairable and it will last for many years with proper care.

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